From Head to Tail: The Beauty of the Vertebral Core
The Beauty of the Vertebral Core
Emilie gives an overview of the From Head to Tail Series below:
The Series consists of the Class 1 & 2, Tutorial & Overview video and audio files.
Introduction to Continuum Movement. Also on YouTube
Virtual Intensive Overview. Also on YouTube
From Head to Tail Overview. Also on YouTube
Baseline & Open Attention Review
CLASS 1 is the set of the video and aduio files below:
Part 1 & Part 2
~ Emilie lays out the sequence in detail with related discussion.
~ A review of the sequence. Excerpt from Part 2.
Office Tutorial
~ Extra instruction on sequence and sounds.
~ 2 Conference Calls
CLASS 2 is the set of the video audio files below:
Part 1
~ The Song, Emilie extends the vertical/sitting part of the sequence shown in the studio class (Parts 2 & 3).
Part 2
~ First half of studio class. Emilie continues to lay out the sequence in detail with related discussion and rewind.
Part 3
~ Second half of studio class. Emilie lays out the sequence in detail with related discussion.
~ A rewind of the sequence, excerpts from Parts above.
Office Tutorial
~ Extra instruction on sequence and sounds.
~ 2 Conference Calls
Your Instructor
Emilie Conrad, the founder of Continuum Movement, lived in Los Angeles, California. She is a visionary whose work is incorporated by an International audience of professionals from fields such as Rolfing, Zero Balancing, Hellerwork, CranioSacral, Osteopathy, Physical Therapy, Dance, Psychoneuroimmunology, and Physical Fitness.
Her love for movement inspired her to discover the essential, primary movements common to all life forms that lie beneath cultural influence. These fundamental movements are a “cosmology” of life, where form is fluidly mutable, dissolving and shaping itself anew.
Fluid, primary movement is essential in our ability to innovate. Enhancing these fundamental movements has a potential to create a rich intrinsic environment that brings forth new insights in our understanding of the human body and its potential to create alternate systems.
Emilie’s capacity for innovation is an inspiration to the field of Somatics, movement education, and physical fitness. She has created a dynamic workout that strengthens by incorporating multiple angles in gravity to facilitate developing diverse muscular and skeletal relationships.
One of Emilie’s contributions is her revolutionary concept of “The Three Anatomies”. Here she defines three distinct tissue structures as the cultural, primordial, and cosmic anatomies. Emilie tells us: “becoming aware of the primordial-cosmic flows of information can be instrumental in diffusing our cultural inhibitors, helping us to move beyond our stifling adaptive patterns, ultimately becoming a resource for health and creativity.”
For more on Emilie and Continuum Movement, see